
In our last post we discussed how to stick to your healthy eating plan whilst on vacation without feeling too deprived. Today we are going to take a look at how you can add a little exercise into the mix on your healthier vacation as well.

Book a Room With a View (of a Gym)

Opting to stay in a hotel with a gym or a pool makes it easy to squeeze in workout time. If such things are not on offer – maybe your accommodations are more in the cozy B&B/elegant villa niche – inquire about local facilities that may offer a guest discount. And if worst comes to worst remember body weight exercises can be done anywhere and require zero equipment.

See the Sights Up Close

Rather than opt for a bus tour get out and see the sights on foot (or maybe even on a bike) Not only will the walking help you get some extra vacation exercise but you can make your own discoveries, something that is half the fun of exploring a new place. Really want a fitness challenge? Many attractions – especially churches – have hugely long staircases that offer quite the challenge.

Do Something Different

Any vacation should offer you the chance to take on a new fitness challenge. Whether it’s hiking in the woods, rock climbing up rocky terrain, water skiing or parasailing or even just swimming along exploring the local coastline a vacation should offer you the chance to break out of your regular training routine for a few days and enjoy a new way to get your daily work out in.

Take a Class

In an area where tourists are common – or even at your hotel – classes are often offered that have a physical fitness bent, from learning to master a local dance to exploring the depths of a National Park. By taking advantage of a few of these offerings you’ll enhance your vacation experience as a whole as well as burn a few more calories.

Relax – Even though you don’t want to get too ‘out of shape’ while on vacation make sure that you find a balance. A few hours lying on a beach is fine, attending a few parties is fine. But just do yourself a favor; resist the urge to check your email every hour, keep cell phone usage to a minimum and focus on having fun. It will keep your mind clear and allow you to decompress one of the biggest reasons most of us take a vacation in the first place.

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