In a nutshell, healthy, sensible eating involves taking a look at the way you eat now and then making some common sense changes that eliminate the inevitable bad habits we all pick up over time. And the good news is that summer is an excellent time for all of this as it is pretty much…

Looking on the bright side of things is certainly not always easy and it can often be very hard in fact. Keeping a positive outlook intact when there always seems to more month than money, or when you romantic life is more than a little rocky is no easy task. When the problems are even…

Skipping breakfast is something that no one should ever do, even if they are actively trying to lose weight. And if you make sure that the food you eat first thing in the morning is protein packed then it’s even better, as that protein will help fuel you throughout the day and give you an…

Everyone wants to be as healthy – mentally as well as physically – as they possibly can. Given the stress filled, busy world we live in that is not always easy though. Some people think that maybe a magic answer lies with something that their doctor can prescribe. A pill to reduce stress or a…

Is brown bread really better than white bread? Is it really such a big deal in terms of your overall diet if you opt for a soft white loaf instead of the wholewheat that various diet plans always seem to be trying to push down our throats? Especially as there is really no difference in…

If you do your best to keep fit then the chances are you know all about the benefits of following a balanced healthy diet and regular exercise that involves a good stretching session to warm up before you begin in earnest. What you may not know is that whether you are training for a serious…

Everywhere you turn these days, in magazines and newspapers, in those little pop up ads that follow you around as you browse the Internet, you will see advertisements for, and articles about the latest breakthrough in “anti-aging”. Usually it’s a cream, or a serum or sometimes even a pill or supplement. It usually costs quite…

Many of us tend to think that if the FDA says something is OK then that is a recommendation that can be trusted. However when it comes to the current FDA food guidelines all is not well. You see, the last time the FDA revised its official dietary advice to the nation was over 20…

Amazing Centurion Sets World Record If you ever wanted to see an example of the benefits of remaining active in your senior years, we think you only have to look at this amazing story about Ida Keeling, a great, great grandmother who is still competing hard at 100! 100-year-old runner sets world record for age…

Do Deeper Voices Equal Healthier Bodies in Men?  Many people – both men and women – often associate a deeper male voice with uber masculinity. According, however, to new scientific research not only does the pitch of your voice adjust people’s perception off how attractive you are but it may also affect your health. Survival…

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