With the summer upon us, many of us are committing to dropping those extra pounds once and for all. But we want it to happen quickly, as swimsuit season is here and who doesn’t want to look their best on the beach? However, the simple fact is that while we wait in vain for that…

Osteoporosis is a serious chronic health issue that threatens to strike older people, primarily women over the age of sixty. One of the defenses against this potentially devastating condition though is following the right diet, even if that means making some changes to what they may have thought was an already fairly healthy diet. What is…

The best exercise regime is one that varies, and one that exists in and out of the gym. That’s why those who are really serious about fitness include outdoor pursuits that help bolster their efforts indoors. Humans have been running since they lived in caves and were chasing woolly mammoths rather than running around tracks….

Everyone has that one friend. The one slim soul who always manages to resist the lure of the free bread basket, or that of the dessert trolley come to that. When eating at all they’ll say “I’ll have just a few bites” and they actually stick to that. How so they do it, they can’t…

Most of us are more than aware of the fact that health trends come and go and do so with increasing frequency. For instance, how many of you can remember when following a Jane Fonda aerobics workout on VHS – while also aping her tight leotards and legwarmers fashion styling – was all the rage?…

Hot, crunchy, salty and oh do delicious. Most of us really do have a thing for French fries. However, even if they are baked instead of fried, a continual diet of them is not good for anyone (and fried does taste so much better.) While there is no harm in occasionally indulging in a plate…

Most people want to eat food that is better for them; after all you would have to have been living under a rock for years to not know by now just what a difference great nutrition can make to your overall health. The one bar that some people think they are facing to do so…

You’re busy, you don’t exactly have a lot of extra cash and you certainly don’t have much extra time (if any) so as much as you’d like to make some changes and lead a healthier, happier lifestyle it seems like agoal that’s out of reach. You have no time . In fact you barely have…

Your mother always told you to eat a decent breakfast to start the day off right but over the years you have let your busy schedule take over and your idea of a good breakfast these days is a strong cup of coffee, because who has time for anything else? The younger generation is picking…

Excess weight isn’t easy to miss, so if a child is overweight you would assume that it’s something that would be easy for their parents to spot. However, when it comes to children, and especially to pre-teens and teens, figuring out when a few extra pounds is more than puberty related puppy fat or a…

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