Dance fitness group

Everyone wants to be as healthy – mentally as well as physically – as they possibly can. Given the stress filled, busy world we live in that is not always easy though. Some people think that maybe a magic answer lies with something that their doctor can prescribe. A pill to reduce stress or a medicine to cheer them up. There really isn’t though.

The term ‘overall well-being’ involves both the mental and the physical. There are in fact some rather simple ways you can quite easily, and quite quickly, improve your overall well-being’ that do not involve a trip to the doctor’s or even a great deal of money. Here are just five great ways:

Take a Fitness Class – The biggest reason why most people do not stick to their commitment to use a gym membership (even if they have paid for it) is that it gets boring. Stair-climbers and elliptical machines might provide a physical good workout but they can become a little boring for some.

 A better alternative may be to find a fitness class that interests you that offers benefits for both your body and your mind. Zumba is a lot of fun and very social, as well as being a fabulous way to get – and stay in shape. Or, a diverse, more intense combination class may be better for some, as it’s a great way to mix up workouts while also gaining extra support and guidance from instructors and other class members. 

Take Your Breaks – People do tend to think that if they work through their lunch break their boss will think that they are the best thing since sliced bread and that they will be much more productive. The reality is though that the boss probably won’t notice (because they went to lunch) and you will be so frazzled because you have been doing the same thing for hours that you will make more mistakes than you normally would and everything will take longer to get done. So, take your breaks, your mind and body will thank you for it.

Reconnect with People – These days we think we are being social because we check our email/Facebook page every day and make the occasional comment or send a quick message because it is so much quicker than actually picking up the phone.

Real social relationships are crucial to your overall well-being though and these online interactions are beginning to take all of that away. However busy you are take the time to stop inviting your friends to play a game with you on Facebook and actually invite them over to your house – or out for dinner – instead. If they live far away actually pick up a phone and call them, talking is so much nicer sometimes than typing!

Get a Mid Week Massage – Massage offers all kinds of physical and mental health benefits and more and more people are actually beginning to realize that. They still however limit their visit to a massage therapist to special occasions or when they are on holiday because they think massage is a luxury or something to be reserved for a special treat. But it really isn’t.

Booking a massage in the middle of a busy week really can work wonders and because the benefits last for days you will be able to go into the weekend feeling good instead of feeling like you want to crawl into bed until Monday comes around again.

Eat Better  – We all know we should probably eat a bit better to improve our physical health but just what ‘eating right’ is is rather confusing these days. Is eating right cutting out everything that tastes good and following the same diet as next door’s pet rabbit? Or following some fad diet because some celeb claims they lost 20lbs in two weeks eating raw food or just sticking to juice and water? Lots of people think that is the case and that is why they cannot stick to such diets because they are so restrictive.

Eating well just means more sensible about what you eat. A few more fruits and veggies and a few less packets of chips.  A bit less frying and a bit more baking and grilling. Sensible, small changes that are easier to live with and that really will make a big difference to your well-being.







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