If you do your best to keep fit then the chances are you know all about the benefits of following a balanced healthy diet and regular exercise that involves a good stretching session to warm up before you begin in earnest. What you may not know is that whether you are training for a serious…

Everywhere you turn these days, in magazines and newspapers, in those little pop up ads that follow you around as you browse the Internet, you will see advertisements for, and articles about the latest breakthrough in “anti-aging”. Usually it’s a cream, or a serum or sometimes even a pill or supplement. It usually costs quite…

Tank top and bikini season is almost here and while you may be working those abs and sculpting those legs (or should be perhaps) what are you doing about your arms? Sleek, toned arms are a bikini season boost that will help make all of your summer season fashions look even better than before and…

Turn on the television, shop around online or just visit your local big box store and the chances are you will soon come across all kinds of equipment, gadgets and even smartphone apps designed to help you get fit at home. So, if all of this is available why should you join a gym instead…

Lots of people – people of both sexes and all ages – want to lose weight. Maybe a little, maybe a lot but they know they want to shed some pounds. And in order to do so many people turn to the fad diets that you hear about so often in the media. The juice…

Many of us tend to think that if the FDA says something is OK then that is a recommendation that can be trusted. However when it comes to the current FDA food guidelines all is not well. You see, the last time the FDA revised its official dietary advice to the nation was over 20…

We all know that we should make an attempt to eat a healthy balanced diet. But what we often forget is that even healthy foods can be made unhealthy if you cook them the wrong way. The unhealthiest way of all to cook anything is to deep fry it, but sauteing in lashings of butter or…

The health benefits of following a Mediterranean diet – that is one that consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil and even the occasional glass of wine – have been touted by US based nutritionists and medical experts for some time now.  A variety of studies have shown that not only can…

Everywhere you go right now, especially if you happen to occasionally visit a health food store, or even the gym, you are likely, at some point to hear someone talking about green smoothies. If you are completely clueless as to what these are, or why they are popular, you are not alone. They are not…

Eat These 3 Superfoods for Career Success Can you really eat your way to career success? Maybe not, but according to some food scientists there are three ‘superfoods that can help give you an edge over your coworkers. Science Says You Should Be Eating These Top Foods to Get Ahead at Work Avocado offers “good”…

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